City living means that many new mums don’t have family around to help and advise, and the wisdom of those with years of experience is often hard to come by. We can offer invaluable confidence boosting breastfeeding support (and support for bottle feeding mothers of course), and help you learn to manage your baby’s day.
Learn how to get started on a gentle, flexible routine for you and your baby.
New Baby Postnatal Course
Join our postnatal course and let our specialists advise and guide you through those exciting first months with your new baby. City living means that many new mums don’t have family around to help and advise, and the wisdom of those with years of experience is often hard to come by. We can offer invaluable confidence boosting breastfeeding support (and support for bottlefeeding mothers of course), and help you learn to manage your baby’s day. Learn how to get started on a gentle, flexible routine for you and your baby.
The full course of 3 classes held once a month for three months includes information on play and development, traveling with baby, teething, starting solids and much more. Priced at £180
Our baby routine is a traditional, natural, flexible way of structuring your day with your baby with the following aims:
- Regular sleep and nap times – teaching your baby good sleep habits
- Encouraging good, proper meals rather than snacking-including breastfed babies!
- Help your baby enjoy his awake time-rested, refreshed and ready to play.
- A flexible routine so you can make plans and get out & about
- Get your baby sleeping through the night-as soon as possible!
- Confidence, security & well being for your baby AND for you.