Many new mums feel a lot of pressure to regain their pre baby figures and lose the baby belly. The early weeks are not the time though to be worrying about your new mummy tummy as you get to grips with bonding, feeding and trying to get some sleep!
It’s important to eat as well as you can as your body recovers and looking after your new baby is all the exercise you need-that and a daily stroll out to show off your little one in the buggy. That ‘jelly belly’ feeling isn’t the best -it will go eventually with a bit of attention but it’s great that there is an option which will help you feel better, look better and help your hard working body on the road to recovery.
Bloom and Beyond has been set up by a new mum who understood how new mummies felt and wanted to offer a range of postnatal supportwear which gave a helping hand in looking and feeling better in the early postnatal days.
I especially like the C-Panty which is specially for new mums post caesarean section. The C-Panty is designed to be worn every day, with a special silicone panel which protects, aids healing and can improve the appearance of the scar. The compression underwear supports the body as it recovers, reducing swelling, supporting abdominal muscles and tissues and helps with your posture too.
The MS panty is recommended for mums after a normal birth and like the C-Panty just helps you to feel more confident, supported and together-with the added bonus that you’ll feel much better in your new postnatal wardrobe in the early days!
After many years working with new and expectant mums I know that body image is important to women, especially going through all the changes of pregnancy and new motherhood. Products such as those offered by Bloom and Beyond give women the option of using a shapewear product which has the added benefits of physical support and a feeling of confidence-which all mums need.
Good nutrition and appropriate exercise are important to all new mothers whether concerned about their postbaby figure or not. Products such as these are another option but do not replace postnatal exercise and healthy eating, but for many mums they could be a very useful addition. The most important thing is a happy mummy-your baby doesn’t care in the slightest about your wobbly bits-in fact they love them!